Established January 2009

Friday, June 25, 2010

Campin' and Fishin' part 3

Today, as the rest of my family broke camp and went home, I headed over to a stream I had fished previously but had intentions on fishing a new section. I was meeting my good friend, Nathan Rees. Nathan showed up at the trailhead with his friend Dave and the 3 of us headed to the top of the mountain to drop off my truck. We headed back down the mountain where we first met and geared up. After begining our hike we headed strait up to the top of Allegheny Mountain and dropped into a different watershed than the one we just left. After getting creekside, we stopped for a much needed break and ate lunch. We began fishing around noon and the 3 of us worked our way upstream. This stream is teaming with Wild Rainbows and Native Brook Trout, but as I later found out, I turned out to the the only one who would not catch any Brook Trout. Despite the low water, the Rainbows were eager to take a well presented fly and a #16 Usual was the ticket for me. Plunge pool after plunge pool we made our way to an old meadow campground that is a popular hiker destination and the creek got smaller and smaller and turned from higher gradient to lower as we made our way upstream. As the day progressed, several fish were brought to hand between the 3 of us and around 5pm, we decided to finish our hike out. Around 6pm, we reached my truck and we had just completed a 9 mile hike through some of the most beautiful woods and water in WV.

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