Established January 2009

Thursday, April 22, 2010

On The Hunt: Continued

Today I headed south once again to investigate some more of my suspicions on the "To Do List". I decided I would hit a stream that I once hit last Spring, only I would fish a new section of it. Upon arival, I strung up the boo, and decided due to the low water conditions, I should tie on some light tippet, so I ended up going with 7x. The water is painfully low for April. WV is in dire need for some rain. I started with a #14 Lime Trude, and after catching a couple, I switched to a #16 Elk Hair Caddis. I began picking up a few more strikes and landing a few. I hooked and landed a really nice Rainbow for this stream. It was without a doubt the most beautiful Rainbow Trout I have ever caught. On several occasions while fishing I noticed the wild flowers are in full swing. After catching a few more brookies and 1 more Rainbow, I continued on south to a new stream for me. When I arrived the Quill Gordons were coming off with gusto so I switched flies to a #14 Usual in Dun color and it was on. The brookies were hammering it. This stream has a small tributary that flows into it and I suspected it had fish in it as well and I was not dissapointed. So after 2 new streams fished today, over a dozen of fish caught, several more lost or seen, I can scratch 2 more streams off "The List".

Friday, April 16, 2010

Scratchin' em' Off

Today I continued with my quest to check out the streams on my "To Do List". I had done a drive by on this stream last summer and at that point the water was super low. I decided I would hit it in the spring. Today I finally got around to marking it off the list. I strung up the trusty bamboo brookie rod and tied on a #16 Natural Usual before heading upstream. The water situation here is pretty sparce for this time of year. I wound up spooking a couple of fish before I caught 1 tiny dink, then I lucked up and caught one a little bigger near the 8'' mark. Having other streams on the dockett to checkout out today, I headed back to the truck to head out for other destinations. So I found myself heading south and when I got there, more low water was to be found. I fished 2 tributaries of tributaries and I didn't move any Brook Trout. I still can cross those off my list, but I wont be making a return trip either.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The "To Do" List

During the winter I had made a list of streams around the State of WV that I wanted to fish. This will be known as the "TO DO". On that list are several Brook Trout streams that I have not fished, but feel pretty sure of how they might fish. Today with the sun still shining (It was supposed to be raining), I packed up all my stuff, and headed south for the Monongahela National Forest. I arrived to a perfect looking stream that I hoped would be loaded to the hilt with Brook Trout. I strung up my bamboo brookie rod and tied on a #14 Royal Stimulator. Plunge pools, riffles, runs, and plenty of clear water held numerous Brook Trout and shortly I had well over a bakers dozen to my credit. I decided I wanted to try and fish another stream on the "list", and headed a little farther south. Almost as soon as I got there, the rain started and began to hammer the valley I was in. At that point I decided I didn't feel like getting soaked and would have to try it some other day. Oh well, I crossed 1 off the list.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Today made my 7th straight day at work, working 10 hour shifts. It should go without saying that I really needed to get out and do some fishing. After getting home and grabbing my stuff, I headed out to an old favorite brookie stream here in Preston County. I decided I would fish a new section, new to me anyways. I dropped down into the steep canyon choked with Rhodadendren and Hemlock. As I reached the stream, it was in perfect condition, clear, and with excellent flows. I tied on a #14 Chartruese Humpy that was just freshly tied this week, and began picking apart the water. It wasn't long before I had picked up a few brookies, though none of them much bigger than 7'' or so. I worked my way back to the road crossing and headed for the truck.