Established January 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hunted this morning on my landlords property right above my house. Left the house here at about 6:30 in the stand and quiet by 6:50. Cold morning, 37* when I left, when the sun came up and hit the woods things started moving. I saw 1 squirrel at about 7:45 and I noticed 3 does moving my way at about 8:15. One of the does didnt like what she saw or smelled and when she turned they all left in the opposite direction of me. I decided I would give it until 9:00 and I was headed for the house for some breakfast. At about 8:35, I noticed another deer heading towards my stand on the path that looked like I-68. I saw that it was a buck but didnt concearn myself with that, because I was going to shoot at it regardless. He came trotting by at 25 yards and I mouth grunted to get him to stop and I let the Rage 2 Blade Carbon Xpress Maxima arrow go. It slammed through the drivers side ribcage got both lungs and the buck ran about 45 yards before piling up in my sight. This buck is my first buck of the year, and biggest buck with a bow.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Steelhead Journy #1

Today I left Preston County at 2:55am. I met up with Beaver in Morgantown shortly after and we were Lake Erie bound, geared up for our first Steelhead trip of 2009. We arrived at our destination around 7am and were fishing by 7:45am. Low water greeted us depsite the recent rains. We began searching for fish and quickly found a few holding near the tailout of a long run. Beaver and I both tried most everything in the fly box, and eventually Beaver hooked and caught the first Steelhead of the day. Later in the morning, reports of more fish farther upstream motivated us to head up the creek to another spot. The reports rang true and we found far mor fish farther upstream. Shortly I had hooked and landed 3 Steelhead on various patterns. The afternoon brought us to a different creek altogether and we found more fish, lots more people, and high winds. Beaver hooked and caught 1 more Steelhead, and soon it was time to call it day and make the agonizing drive back to Morgantown. All in all it was a fantastic trip and hopefully it wont be the last of the fall run.